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Classes and teachers announced!

We're very pleased to be welcoming Trisha Sewell back after her fantastic classes last year! Trisha will be teaching solo jazz once again - make sure you get down for the Saturday morning and be put through your paces!

We are also excited to introduce both Collegiate Shag and St Louis Shag classes to the programme this year, taught by the wonderful Aila Floyd and Peter Ayres, two leading lights on the shag scene. Each style features a beginners class, with a second follow-on class in Collegiate Shag!


Final Tier of Discounts end at midnight on Tuesday 11th July

Make sure you grab your tickets soon, as they will go up to full price from 12th July. If you've already got yours, do encourage your friends and loved ones to get theirs quickly! The more tickets sold earlier on, the more we can add to the bill, and to your enjoyment!